I can’t help but notice that ever since I became a family man, I sometimes smell like a fish.
No, I did not marry a mermaid or a fish vendor. It’s just that things are a little different now that I prioritize changing the diapers of my 8-month old son than performing personal rituals. Don’t get me wrong ‘coz I am not complaining about it. It’s just that I am someone who is used to smelling good, since my work often requires me to interact with a lot of people.
At home, I am a hands-on father. I see to it that my baby has taken all his vitamins, had a nice bath and finished his favorite baby music CD before I leave for work. My wife goes to work an hour earlier than me and we asked my mom to look after our son for the meantime while we are still looking for a baby sitter.
With this kind of routine five times a week, I feel in love with anything instant. From 5-in1 coffee mix to no-cook noodles to easy-open canned goods, I find an ally to anything I can prepare and eat while carrying my little Charles.
In my short list of favorite food-for-those-on-the-go, Century canned products are on top. Not only that they are delicious, they are also good for the health. It is naturally rich in Omega 3 DHA that helps boost brain function That’s why I don’t mind friends who would tease, “I smell something fishy around here.” They’re might just be referring to my new found tummy pleasure.
My wife and I have a current favorite among the many Century products in the market. It is Century Gourmet Bangus Fillet which is really tasty and quite an experience out of the can. We have tried it as toppings on hot sinangag for breakfast; brought a can to office for lunch; and served as main course in an impromptu candlelight dinner at home. The best part is you don’t need a can opener to experience a great tasting meal. Just pull off the lid on top of the can and the rest is fish-tory, err, I mean history.
Century Gourmet Bangus Fillet has become a regular fixture in our house, specifically in the kitchen where at least a couple of can should be on stock in the food cabinet.
I’ll share a little funny anecdote which involves my son and a can of Century Gourmet Bangus Fillet that was caught on video using my cellphone (pls check video post below). Charles has fascination on anything my wife and I use frequently--- TV remote control, PC mouse, cellphones, etc. He would take ‘em from our hands and stick ‘em to his mouth.
One night, I arrived from work with a small bag of groceries. While I was taking the stuff out of the bag, Charles in his walker managed to grab a can of Century. I took it from his hands and asked him what he was holding and immediately returned it to him because he might cry. When he got hold again of the can, he shifted his walker to left and run away from me as if trying to protect his precious. Charles made what I call “a Century dash” four months before he even hit his first year of existence.
For now, we have to consult first Charles’ pediatrician if he’ll be allowed already to take a bite of this fish offering from Century. I’m sure it will not be a long wait from now that I will finally be sharing a can with my little boy. And who cares if we both smell like fish as long it's for the love of Century. And besides, I just love the idea of like father, like son.
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