Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year’s resolutions to be better employees

Reading, whether a book or an article online, is forever a wonderful learning journey.  It never ceases to surprise every reader with a new discovery or two in a span of just a few minutes. I was surfing the internet when I stumbled upon this on

“Julius Caesar is credited in declaring January 1 as the start of every New Year while the Babylonians are said to have made the first New Year's resolutions.  It was explained that the New Year’s resolutions go back about 4000 years, when the ancient Babylonians resolved to return any farming equipment they borrowed during the year to their rightful owners in time for the start of the New Year.”  

Just when I thought that my history professors in high school and college have it all covered, I’ll find cool stuff like these through casual reading.  That’s why in this age of e-books, online magazines and blogs, I still find time to visit bookstores and look for hidden treasures.  Thus, my New Year’s resolution for 2012 is to finish at least one book every month.  And I think I am on the right track since my “mommy” in our recent office monito/ monita granted my wish for a book that I have always wanted to buy. 

Definitely, reading will help me become a more productive employee because it makes me aware and updated of the latest happenings and issues around the world.  It’s also from books that I get good practices related to my job as a communications specialist.  My writing skills can also improve through reading because it gives me an opportunity to learn new styles and forms in expressing my ideas.

How about you, what’s your New Year’s resolution? Being one curious soul, I wanted to know what my colleagues and friends want to change in their ways for the coming year 2012 by asking them through this question that I posted on my Facebook wall:  What’s your New Year’s resolution to be a better employee?

Here are some of the notable responses that I got:

John Philip Mamaril, Proposal Engineer, “My New Years Resolution is to strive to improve myself, improve all good aspects my life"

Bennix Baygas, Network Administrator, To be more productive, strive for excellence and work diligently as well.”

Leon Abrilla Pangilinan Jr., Information Systems Researcher: “To be always on time in accomplishing my to do list and not let stress get in the way of happiness and productivity in the workplace.”

Manette Flores-Aquino, Freelance Writer: "To observe time management and knowing which task to prioritize."

Jonha Revesencio, Social Media & Community Manager: "Be able to make time for much more essential tasks and be not easily distracted."

Ruel Natividad, English professor: "My new year’s resolution is to do less blogging and focus more on my job."

Vincent Haoson, Web Marketing Officer:  "I don't really consider it as a resolution but I plan to maximize my time I spent in office"

Grace Bondad Nicolas, Project Engineer: "Focus more in details and more time than writing"

Jerlinda Domingo, Special Educator: "Will try to further enhance my creativity to make my lessons more interesting for my kids."

Christian Melanie Lee, Blogger/ Web content writer: "To always obey my superiors.  Would love to have a better working relationship with my boss”

Judee de Leon, Bank Officer: "I will try to avoid to be involved in office intrigues and just Work hard for my my company and to all our clients"

Ronald Delima, Programmer: "Like what my boss always tell me, I will try to work smarter not harder."

Jayson Biadog, Account Executive: "I will give more value on ownership of my job and never waste time in my company as if this is my own business."

After getting those inputs from other employees, I am beginning to recognize some improvements I need to apply in my work habits in order to be more effective in my job

Reading those resolutions makes me want to make a list of things I want to accomplish in 2012. It would be helpful to keep such list so we can check next year if ever we have achieved the personal goals that we set or our resolutions just ended up as broken promises.

Hopefully, all of us will stick with whatever resolutions we will come up with whole year round because it will definitely not only benefit our respective companies but would also be personal accomplishments we can be proud of. 

This article was published in the January issue of the Philippine daily Inquirer and People Manager magazine January 2012 issue.

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