Friday, March 27, 2009

Attention Teachers! PhilStar Needs You!

Starting 02 April 2009, The Philippine Star Education Section will be publishing weekly a column on articles/ stories sent by teachers.

Who can contribute: Teachers from any part of the country regardless of grade/ level being handled.

Any subject matter they feel relevant or interesting that could inspire and enrich the reading public.

The article/ story must be accompanied by the teacher's photo 9jpeg format if sent by mail:, info on subject/s being taught, school, school with complete address and telephone number/ email address. Send to the Philippine Star, R. Oca corner Raildroad St., Port Area, Manila.

In appreciation for published contributions, writer sender will receive or cheque from Philippine Star.

*The clipping was taken from Philippine Star - March 26, 2009 issue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting blog as for me. It would be great to read a bit more about that theme.
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